11″x14″ St. Augustine City Gates Print displayed on corrugated board and sealed in a protective sleeve stamped with the St. Augustine city crest.
Information sheet on back
This print is an offset lithograph reproduced from a wood engraving in the 1872 edition of “Picturesque America”
On February 11, 1804, Engineer (Captain) Manuel de Hita recommended masonry replacement of the two wooden guard shelters at the Gate. The nature of the work was decided in
council of war and authorized in February 1808. A record of June 15, 1808, states that “the land gate is being constructed of stone for greater strength, as it is the principal avenue (into the
city).” Also under construction at the time were the palm log wall for the sixth reconstruction of the Cubo Line between the San Sebastian River, the Gate and the Castillo.
The completion date is not known but was probably 1808 or 1809. Less than two years later the bridge was officially described as “impassable for carts, buggies, stock, etc.” due to
broken or rotten beams and planking.
The last Spanish report on the Gate is in 1821. By this time, bridge and gate repairs had evidently been made. “The only exit to the north road cuts through the parapet (of the Cubo Line)
at the location of the Land Gate. The gate is in good condition, ironwork satisfactory; it consists of two leaves hung on two strong pillars of great thickness and height. Each pillar is joined to a
stone wall about 9 yards long, as broad as the parapet and following the line of the parapet.”
In 1827 the City Council advertised for bids to replace the bridge with a causeway. Mayor Smith offered to build the causeway without cost to the City, in exchange for “all the stone and
materials composing the old bridge, the pillars and beams, bulkhead, etc.” Smith started the work about the middle of June. It was halted by Lt. Harvey Brown, the Post Quartermaster, on
the basis that the City Gate was U.S. military property he was charged to protect. Before demolition could be stopped, much damage had been done to the bridge and its foundations and
to the gateway as well.
The exact extent of the demolition is not specified in the documents. Photographs of the 1870’s show the sentry boxes were almost completely torn away, along with a few feet of the
wall at the adjacent corners. In January 1879, the sentry boxes were reconstructed along with repair of the northeast corner.
The recent improvements consisted of building at the flanks of the masonry pillars, short portions of the former palm log wall (Cubo Line) to show that the City Gate was part of that
defense. The moat was widened in front of the Gate and the sides of the masonry bridge were restored. In providing for pedestrians, the shell walk between the pillars and the sidewalk at the
east edge of the area were added. In back of the Gate, the firing step was reconstructed.